If you are a professional working woman, minority employee or business owner, or independent consultant with leadership ambition and talent, we want to work with you.

We will help you take charge of your career, become bolder and more focused, and build the momentum necessary to advance. We help you and your organization to see you as a leader in your field.

Learning in a diverse cohort experience, participants emerge from this program with new leadership skills, more confidence, greater self-awareness, and the courage and opportunity to lead in business and beyond.

It’s time to invest in your future by becoming a more fearless leader.


  • Inspiring, informative, and thought-provoking discussions during our weekly team meeting via Zoom.
  • Candid feedback, networking support, and 1:1 coaching to push you to be the best version of yourself.
  • Deepened levels of self-awareness and understanding of your leadership style. Strategies for managing your leadership shadow when you are under stress.
  • Time and tools to explore new possibilities for your future through readings, assignments, resources, connections, and fun projects, including the creation of your Fearless Leader™ Manifesto.
  • Clarity and focus on what you want to build in your career and business.
  • Welcomed boost in your confidence, courage, and ability to ask for what you need to grow and thrive in your business and career.
  • >> Read more on the official brochure here <<


  • Robust Curriculum: weekly discussion guides and self-reflection exercises stored securing on a private learning portal.
  • Professional facilitation by Kathy McAfee, America’s Marketing Motivator™.
  • 1:1 coaching sessions through Open Office Hours each Friday during the program.
  • Book club discussion group featuring the book, Actualized Leadership by Dr. William Sparks.
  • Assessments: 1) TKI conflict mode assessment and custom report; and 2) The ALPfree.com assessment.
  • Resources: a multitude of ebooks, workbooks, videos, and other valuable learning content is provided to you during and after the program.
  • After program support. 1) membership into the Fearless Leader™ Community; and 2) invitation to quarterly bonus learning events featuring guest speaker.
Find out how to apply


The Fearless Leader™ program is an accelerated leadership development program in which you be learning side-by-side alongside a dozen other fearless leaders from all different industries. Full participation is required not only for your own benefit but for the benefit of your cohort peers.

As a participant you will be expected to:

  • Attend mandatory weekly team meetings held on Wednesdays from 11am-1pm EST via Zoom for the 8-week period.
  • Actively participate in our community platform with your cohort peers.
  • Access our secure learning portal to download assignments and resources
  • Keep all appointments including Open Office Hours on Fridays mornings.
  • Dedicate 4-6 hours per week to complete readings, assignments, & projects
  • Complete a minimum of 1 assignment per week.
  • Engage with your cohort team members and contribute to the collective learning
  • Maintain respect, privacy, and confidentiality of the conversations and information shared in this program.
  • Be a member in good standing with your attendance, responsiveness, and payment 
  • Pay it forward. Serve as a mentor to other Women and People of Color seeking leadership advancement. Recommend this program.


Just imagine how different your career could be like if you were more fearless...

By participating in this program, holding nothing back, giving it your all, and contributing your wisdom to the learning of others, you will experience the kind of transformation that you have been longing for.

Of course, it will take work and effort. You’ll have to face your fears. Doing the work of professional development is never easy, but it’s essential to your growth and success. It opens the door to your personal transformation.

That’s what we want for you.


Open enrollment programs dates for 2024 are shown below. Space is limited to 12 participants. Candidates must complete an online application and have an interview with Kathy McAfee prior to being approved for the program.

  • Cohort 13: September 25 - November 15, 2024
  • Cohort 14: January 15 - March 7, 2025
  • Private cohort groups are also available for organizations that prefer a closed network. Ideal cohort sizes 10-12 participants. Dates upon mutual agreement.
  • >> Read more on the official brochure here <<


We recognize that not everyone has the same level of resources. That’s why we have scaled our tuition costs. We don’t want lack of funds to stop a deserving person from experiencing a leadership growth program like this. No matter which tuition rate you qualify for and pay, everyone in the program is treated as equal and deserving.

All amounts shown are in US dollars.

Full Tuition / Corporate Rate $3,750

Partial scholarships are also available for economically disadvantaged participants who meet other criteria. Please inquire by emailing: Kathy@TheFearlessLeader.com

3-installment payment plan is available upon request. Please contact Kathy@TheFearlessLeader.com


To thank you for applying to The Fearless Leader program, you will receive these bonus gifts to help you become a more motivated and fearless presenter. These bonuses will help you to conquer any fear of public speaking, and it will grow your influence and thought leadership.


Kathy McAfee will be your coach, mentor, and when necessary, your butt-kicking advisor in the Fearless Leader™ 8-week group mentoring experience.

She is known as America's Marketing Motivator™ and is the creator of The Fearless Leader program™ and the Fearless Accountability monthly mastermind group designed to help you make timely decisions and take necessary actions that will move you forward in the direction of your goals.

She has authored multiple business books, including Stop Global Boring, Networking Ahead, Defining YOU, and Sharpening Your Point.

A graduate of Stanford University, Kathy spent more than twenty years in Corporate America leading marketing and sales teams to success. In 2005 she became an entrepreneur and launched her own business, a journey she recommends to anyone with the spirit of adventure and the stomach for uncertainty.

Learn more about Kathy at her website: americasmarketingmotivator.com/about

New Book!

Fearless Female Leaders
Be among the first to know when this groundbreaking guide hits the shelves.

This empowering book features real stories of eight women who have overcome barriers to lead and succeed in ways that will inspire you. Join us in this empowering movement to redefine leadership and unlock the limitless potential within you.

Learn More About New Book, Fearless Female Leaders

The Fearless Leader™ , Fearless Leader Books™, and America's Marketing Motivator™ are pending trademarks of Kmc Brand Innovation, LLC.